Kino’s Journey… stolen?

22 01 2009

I got the first volume of Kino’s Journey in my mailbox today after winning it in an auction on Tradera, but I can’t help but wonder if it was stolen before I bought it… The DVD case says “endast för uthyrning” which literally means “only for rental” and even though they sometimes sell old rental movies, they would remove the sticker that says “property of {video store},” right? Ah well, it’s not handling as long as I didn’t know it was stolen when I bought it and can’t get in contact with the person I once bought it from, if it even is stolen, right? Great. Anyway, it’s a Swedish edition so it probably sucks like they always do, but at least I can feel at ease that I got a great series (as far as I know) legally instead of downloading it which is not so legal.

Kino's Journey, or Kino no Tabi -the Beautiful World-

Kino's Journey, or Kino no Tabi -the Beautiful World-

Kingdom Hearts

21 01 2009

I recently discovered Tradera, an auction site, part of eBay (it says), and now I’m addicted to auctioning! Actually, I didn’t just discover it recently, but I’ve never been a member and done auctions before. Anyway, I made some bids on a few items and now I have won Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II for the PlayStation 2, a new PlayStation 2 (how can I else play? XD), a DVD of Kino’s Journey (キノの旅 -the Beautiful World-; kino no tabi -the beautiful world-) and the complete Tales of Phantasia series (based on the game Tales of Phantasia) on one DVD disc. All for very low prices, of course! Oh yeah, I also got my hands on Final Fantasy VII and I can’t wait to play it! The reason I decided to get the Kingdom Hearts games, really, was because I love Final Fantasy and Square/Square Enix so much – and, of course, ’cause everyone always says how great they are. I just hope I won’t immediately throw it away when Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse shows up… I really hate Disney! (Don’t get mad at that comment, I’m just being honest. If you dislike me disliking Disney, just ignore it or I will simply delete your comments. And who knows, maybe Kingdom Hearts may change my opinion. I don’t really think so, though…)


Kingdom Hearts cover